Use your own website

At Podigee every podcast gets its own blog. This makes starting to podcast a lot easier, but many podcasters prefer to use their own website.

As soon as you mark the "Use my own website" field, the Podigee-specific blog settings will be hidden, and you will see the field "URL of website".
Use this field to enter the URL of your own website. Once you've done that, all visitors who navigate to the Podigee blog will be redirected to your site.
The only exceptions are the RSS feeds, which always stay under the Podigee url. In order to change the RSS-feed-URL, you need to activate your own domain for the existing Podigee blog. This can only be done as long as the blog is active. Therefor you can't redirect the Podigee blog to your own website and also change the RSS-feed-URL at this moment.
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