Chapter Marks

Chapter marks allow you to time mark the topics of an episode so that it is possible to quickly navigate between topics.
Besides the Podigee web player, most podcast clients support chapter marks. Please note, that some of them only offer this feature in the app version.

Adding a Chapter Mark

Settings of episode -> "Chapter Marks" -> click the blue button "Add chapter mark".

You can edit your Chapter Marks using the following boxes 

Start time (hh:mm:ss) - starting time of the chapter, e.g. 01:02:03 would mean that the chapter starts at hour 1, minute 2, 3rd second
Title - the topic of the chapter, should be kept short
Link - you can link external resources, e.g. if you are talking about a YouTube video, you can link to it here
Image - our web player supports small images in the chapter marks

For Spotify, the following additional points should be noted:
  • The first chapter mark must start at timestamp 0, e.g. the position must be 00:00:00.
  • There must be at least three chapter marks defined for an episode, otherwise the chapter marks are omitted from the episode's feed.
  • When using the Intro function, the timestamps of the chapter marks are adjusted correctly.
  • When using Ad Insertion through the Podigee Ad Server, the chapter timestamps are adjusted correctly.
  • Chapter marks are not delivered for podcasts that use an ad provider other than the Podigee Ad Server.
For YouTube, the following additional points should be noted:
  • The first chapter mark must start at timestamp 0, e.g. the position must be 00:00:00.
  • There must be at least three chapter marks defined for an episode, otherwise the chapter marks are omitted from the episode's feed.
  • When using the Intro function, the timestamps of the chapter marks are adjusted correctly.
  • When using Ad Insertion through the Podigee Ad Server, the chapter timestamps are adjusted correctly.
  • Using Ad Insertion through Podigee Ad Server is hassle-free, as no ads for YouTube videos are transferred.
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