Protected Podcasts
From business plans + onwards, we offer a feature to set up a protected podcast and feed. This means that the podcast's RSS feed and, if applicable, the blog generated by Podigee can only be accessed with a username and password. Each listener receives an individual feed so that the podcast can continue to be heard in the podcast listening app of their choice.
Activating the protected podcast
The podcast is set up as a regular podcast. As soon as it is created and the feature is activated for the user, under the tab "general" -> "Access restriction" in the podcast settings.
Once the checkbox is clicked, the feed and blog are protected. From then on, no one can access it without a username and password.
Create user
After the feed protection has been activated, the button "Manage listeners" appears, which opens the user administration.

In the user administration, you can create new users, manage existing ones or delete them. Each new listener gets invited by their designated email. For many listener invites you can use the button "Switch to multiple listener invite".The listeners receive an email for setting up the username or email with a password. You can also write a personalized message with your invitation.

As soon as the user has been created, he appears in the table at the bottom.

Web-Player for protected podcasts
In some cases, you can integrate the protected podcast in a special section of your own website, which may also be protected. In order to prevent users from easily downloading the audio file of the protected podcast, you may want to obfuscate those options.
In order to do this, you'll need to go to the "Web-player" tab in your podcast settings into the advanced options and deactivate the following options:

Manage users via API
It is possible to connect external systems to Podigee in order to control the user administration from the outside. The API documentation can be found here: