What do I need to consider after an import to Podigee?

We are very happy to welcome you to Podigee!

After a successful import to us, there are a few important steps that you need to carry out. These are mostly related to the distribution and the new location of the podcast and are explained below.

1. Redirecting the old RSS feed

Once your podcast is imported and published, you need to set up a redirect from your old RSS feed to the new Podigee feed. This lets podcast apps know that your podcast has a new home. They will then automatically remember the new URL of your podcast feed, which will notify them when new episodes are published. This step is important so that the new episodes appear under the same Spotify or Apple link as before. 
This redirect should be active for about 4-5 weeks. You may cancel your account at your old host afterward. Your new feed at Podigee will look similar to this: https://podcast1.podigee.io/feed/mp3. You can find the exact feed URL in your Podigee account in the "Feeds" tab. You need to enter this address as the redirect URL. 
2. Entering the existing links
If your podcast has already been published on other platforms such as Apple, Spotify & Co., please enter the corresponding links in the "Exports" tab. It is important that you do not submit the podcast again through Podigee, as in this case it will be listed twice on the external provider sites. Of course, you can still submit the podcast through us if it was not previously online. Each provider needs to be selected individually.   
3. Were my statistics imported as well?
Importing the statistics from the previous host and merging them in the analytics section of Podigee is not possible. In case of Spotify, the historical data can still be viewed in the Spotify account, but will not be transferred to the analytics dashboard of Podigee. Only the new data flowing in after the import will be displayed in our statistics. 
If you have any further questions, just send us an email. We will be happy to help you.
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