The Podigee Podcast Player
A modern Podcast Player. For Websites. From Podigee
You can set up the player for your podcast under the tab "Web-Player".
Here you can adjust the colors and the configuration.
Embedding on external websites
You can embed the player for the entire podcast (optional with a playlist of all episodes) or per episode.
You can find the embed code for the entire podcast under "WebPlayer" in your podcast settings -> Copy embed code.
For individual episodes at your episode under the "Media Files" tab -> Copy embed code.
For individual episodes at your episode under the "Media Files" tab -> Copy embed code.
Data Protection / GDPR
The Podigee player is 100% GDPR compliant and the used social media links are pure links and do not set cookies or communicate with external services without user interaction.
You may also deactivate the "Share" option completely under "Podcast" -> "Web Player" -> "Advanced Options" -> Share.
In case you use the player externally on your own website, you can optionally include the following text in your privacy policy:
Known Issues
Our player works well on most sites, with a few exceptions:
- (the cloud version of WordPress, own installations work without any problems)
- - use the simple embed code for this
We recommend not to include more than 25 web players on a single HTML page. For security reasons, the number of accesses from a browser per second is limited. If more than 25 web players are included, this limit may be reached and some players may not be displayed correctly.
When using a script blocker on your computer, the player may be not loaded. In this case, extending the list of permitted domain(s) in the script blocker to include the entries "*" and "*" will fix the situation and should ensure that the player is displayed correctly.
If you want to use your own podcast player
Please consider following these technical specifications if you plan to use your own podcast web player with a podcast hosted on Podigee:
- the player should not implement any autoplay
- make sure that the player does not pre-load any audio data unless the visitor clearly intended to play the podcast episode
- use the provided audio URL as is and do not manipulate or add any parameters
- do not cache the audio content on your servers
- ask for the entire file in one go, if you want to start a full download. Ask for the file in slices (byte range) for a progressive download. This way a full download can be distinguished from a progressive download
- use the GUID - as opposed to episode URL, title, publication date, etc. - to identify new episodes in the RSS. The GUID is designed to be persistent through changes to the hosting environment, titles, etc.
- employ an “automatic download unsubscribe” behavior (e.g. - stop auto downloads after 5 episodes of non-listens)
- do not automatically download all episodes (e.g. back catalog episodes) by default. This creates an unnecessary drain on our servers and consumes users’ bandwidth