Understanding the Podigee Dynamic Ad Server Terms


A slot describes a placeholder for an ad. It can be created even without providing an audio clip right away. After creating a slot, you can choose the episodes the slot should be part of. You can structure your slots as you like. They could be named by topic (like podcasting, gardening, work, etc.), so what the related episodes are about, or if you plan to use your full catalog names like “Full catalog pre-rolls”, will work better.

Slot Type

With the slot type you define, where the ad will be placed within the episodes. You can choose from 3 different types:

  • Pre-roll: Ad or promotion played at the beginning of the episode (before the intro)
  • Mid-roll: Ad or promotion played in the middle of the episode (after the intro and before the outro)
  • Post-roll: Ad or promotion played at the end of the episode (after the outro)


Within each episode, you can have multiple and different ads. At the end of the day, you want to know how often each ad has been played. This explains why in the Dynamic Ad Server Analytics the ad got the focus. We only count a delivery if the audio package covering the ad was fully downloaded or streamed by a listener. This can result in the fact that you have fewer deliveries for a post-roll than for the pre-roll, although both are placed in the same episodes. Other combinations are also possible, always depending on the listener's behavior, like skipping sections, stopping to listen at some point or, starting episodes somewhere in the middle using chapter marks. 


As the name includes the Podigee Dynamic Ad Server can be used for ads. But this does not always have to be the classic ad. It can be a promotion, a personal message you want to share, a message from your sponsor or any other audio you have recorded. It does not need to have the same format or loudness level as your episode audio. The Podigee Ad Server makes sure that the loudness is normalized and converts the audio into the required formats.

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