Manual Transcription / Format of Text File of a Transcript
Which file formats are common and what should it look like?
Only files of these types → txt, srt, docx, vtt should be used as the correct format for a transcript.
This (handwritten) transcript should look like this:
- timestamp in square brackets in the format HH:MM:SS (hour - minute - second)
- the name of the speaker, ending with a colon
- the speaker's text
Here is an example of a .txt file:
[00:00:01] Speaker 1: Speaker's text.
[00:00:10] Speaker 2: The text of the other speaker.
Here is an example of a .docx file:
Speaker 1: [00:00:01] Speaker's text.
Speaker 2: [00:00:10] The text of the other speaker.
Is the manual transcript included in the feed?
The delivery of transcripts in the RSS feed is a relatively new feature in the podcast market. With Podigee, the URLs to one JSON and one VTT file are provided in the feed.