Submitting to Listen Notes

How to submit your podcast to Listen Notes

Listen Notes is a valuable resource for podcast listeners looking for new content, as well as for podcast creators looking to expand their reach and better understand their audience.

Follow the steps below to ensure a smooth submission process:

With your consent, we will submit your podcast and its content to Listen Notes. This saves you the hassle of manual submission. Your podcast episodes will be streamed directly via Podigee and no content will be re-hosted on Listen Note's servers.

  1. Read the Terms of Conditions: You can review the Listen Notes terms and conditions in the "Exports" tab of your podcast settings.
  2. Submit your Podcast: Click on the Submit button to submit your Podigee podcast directly to Listen Notes.

  3. If your Podcast is already listed on Listen Notes: Enter your show URL into the input field provided by clicking click here on the pop-up window. 

Congratulations! You have successfully submitted your podcast to Listen Notes. Have fun podcasting!