Episodes GUID

What is a GUID?

A GUID ("Globally Unique Identifier") is a globally unique identifier used in many digital systems. In the podcasting world, the GUID plays a crucial role in uniquely identifying each episode, regardless of its title or publication date.

Why is the GUID important?

The GUID ensures that podcast apps and directories (such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify) correctly recognize episodes and do not mistakenly treat them as new if details like the title or release date change.

Key Functions of the GUID in Podcasts:

  • Uniquely identifies each episode
  • Prevents duplicate entries in podcast apps
  • Enables smooth synchronization between the hosting platform and players

What happens if an episode's GUID changes?

If a GUID is modified, podcast platforms will detect the episode as a new one, even if it is actually the same. This can cause confusion for listeners, as they may see the episode marked as "unplayed" or appearing twice.

When does the GUID change?

A GUID usually remains stable, but it may change if:

  • An episode is deleted and re-uploaded
  • The hosting platform is switched (depending on the provider)
  • A manual modification is made to the podcast feed

Should you change an episode's GUID?

In most cases: No! Changing the GUID can lead to episodes appearing as duplicates in podcast apps or result in the loss of existing analytics. Any changes should be made cautiously and only if absolutely necessary.


The GUID is a crucial technical identifier that works behind the scenes to ensure the smooth distribution of podcast episodes. As long as it remains unchanged, podcasters don’t need to worry about it. However, if a change is required, be aware that it may affect how episodes are displayed and tracked across podcast directories.

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