Blog Domain Configuration
Use a subdomain of
To get started quickly or if you don't want to register your own domain name you can use a subdomain provided by us which looks something like this:
The part between the protocol https:// and the domain is the so-called subdomain. In the example from above the subdomain is mygreatpodcast. This subdomain can be configured by you in the podcast settings.
To do this go to the podcast overview page and click on the name of the podcast you want to edit. Choose the tab "General". After creating a new podcast the name for the subdomain will be set to a randomized one (podcast000815 like in the following image). In order to change this name to a more suitable one, click in the area with the lock symbol and the text "Click to unlock" next to it.
The field with the grey background will be unlocked and rendered editable. Select the whole text in the field "Name (subdomain)" and enter your desired subdomain name. The preview below the input field will reflect the final web address for your podcast blog.
After you've finished editing just click outside the field to save the setting, which will be confirmed with a green banner in the upper right area. If the desired subdomain is already in use, you will see an error message. In this case you have to think about a new desired subdomain that you'd like to use instead.
Hint: Your subdomain can be any combination of letters, numbers and dashes. Any other kind of special characters are NOT allowed. So my-great-podcast is fine, while my.great.podcast is not because it contains dots. Please also watch out to only enter the subdomain, especially you don't need to type in, because the system will automatically complete this.
Use your domain
If you would like to use your own domain name for the blog, you can also do that. This functionality is available starting with the package "Advanced Plus".
Domain types
There are two possible domain configurations available to your podcast including:
- A subdomain like or
- A root domain like
To add them you need to follow a simple two step process:
- Tell Podigee which domain you would like to use.
- Configure your domain's DNS to point to Podigee.
Find specific instructions for each domain configuration below.
Adding a subdomain of your domain
If you entered a subdomain (like you need to go to the provider where you registered your domain (or your DNS provider) and create a CNAME record for that domain pointing to your subdomain.
For example, if your domain name is and your Podigee subdomain is this is how the record should look like:
- Record type: CNAME
- Entry: www
- Target:
Once you have done this you can move on the the section labeled "Configure the domain in Podigee" below.
Adding a root domain
Adding a root domain like is unfortunately not possible with every Domain/DNS provider. Here are two providers that support it:
- DNSimple (ALIAS record)
- DNS Made Easy (ANAME record)
According to the example above, you would have to make the following settings in order to use the root domain:
- Record type: ALIAS or ANAME
- Entry: <empty> or @
- Target:
If your provider does not support this you need to use a subdomain instead, e.g. Our recommendation in that case would be to redirect your root domain to the subdomain you decide to use, like →
Once you have done this move to the section labeled "Configure the domain in Podigee" below.
Configure the domain in Podigee
Before you can add the domain to your podcast configuration on Podigee, please wait until it has been promoted to the majority of DNS servers. Normally this should be done within an hour, but it can be different under several circumstances.
To add the domain to your podcast go to podcast overview page and click on the name of the podcast you want to use the domain with.
Then go to the tab "Blog" and enter your domain name into the "Domain" field. In the example below the subdomain has already been entered for being used.
Just click outside the field "Domain" to save the setting automatically. After the change has been saved successfully, you'll see a green banner in top right area. When you visit the domain with your browser, you should see your podcast page in the browser.
Please note that if you set a domain for your podcast all requests to its subdomain will be redirected to the domain entered into the configuration. This is necessary for search engines to only find one unique copy of your content on the internet. You can find more on the topic of "duplicate content" in Googles Webmaster Tools Documentation.
Need help?
If you need any help setting up your domains, please email us the name of your domain provider, and we'll try to help you as soon as we can.