Publishing my podcast on Spotify

Spotify has been offering its podcast directory since 2016. It is very popular among Spotify subscribers.

Podcasts are offered ad-free on Spotify for both free and premium users.

Publish Podcast on Spotify

To be able to publish your podcast on Spotify, you must agree to the Terms and Conditions in the "Exports" section. Click the green button "Submit".
Initially, it takes less than an hour for your podcast to be listed on Spotify, after which new episodes are published within a few minutes.
The statistics overview also shows the views via Spotify, but only when you have had at least one view via Spotify. It may therefore take a few days before you see the Spotify statistics in your statistics overview. If you would like more detailed Spotify statistics collected by Spotify, you can also claim your podcast. 

Submitting Podcasts with Custom Domain

In case you are using your own domain for the feed, please contact our support before submitting your podcast to Spotify.

Un-publishing Podcast from Spotify

To un-publish your podcast from Spotify, just click the blue button "Remove my podcast from Spotify" on the "Export" tab.

Changing your RSS-Feed-URL on Spotify

Unlike other podcast platforms, Spotify doesn't work with feed redirects. Therefore, if your feed URL changes, you always need to also change it on Spotify by hand.

Go to and log in via your own Spotify account. If you submitted your podcast via Podigee to Spotify you also need to claim your podcast first: Click the button to add a new RSS feed to Spotify and add your current RSS feed. If it is already listed in Spotify, they will send you a verification code to the email, which you've entered in your podcast settings. Enter the verification code and you'll gain access to your podcast on Spotify.

Click on the Details tab in your Spotify podcast overview:

In the Details, click the update button:

Then enter the new Spotify RSS feed. Spotify will check it and update your podcast accordingly.

Exporting Podigee Chapter Marks to Spotify

Exporting your Podigee chapter marks to Spotify is now automated! With this update, you can effortlessly enhance your listeners' experience by allowing them to navigate between chapters seamlessly on Spotify, just as you meticulously planned in your Podigee app.

Here's how it works:

  1. Open your Podigee app and navigate to the episode you want to add chapter marks to.
  2. Add your podcast markers to the episode, indicating different sections or topics
  3. Once you've added the chapter marks, save your changes.
  4. Sit back and relax! Podigee will automatically sync these chapter marks with your podcast on Spotify.

Please Note:

  • Please note that chapter marks on Spotify are currently available for podcasts using Podigee Ad Server only. If your podcast utilizes any other ad insertion technology, the chapter marks are not delivered.
  • Read this article on what must be urgently observed and adjusted