Your First Steps with Podigee
Hello and welcome to Podigee! We are very happy that you are here.
Did you just create an account and would like to make sure that your settings are up-to-date? This article will help you in checking the most important steps before publishing your podcast.
1. Please go to the "General" tab and make sure that all mandatory fields are filled out.
- Title
This always appears first on the platforms, at the top and is directly recognisable. It should therefore be to the point and easy to remember. - Description
You can provide a longer summary of the main topic of your podcast or simply describe it in a short and concise way. - Authors
Here you can enter your own name or the name of the person who is working on the podcast with you. - Cover image
The cover image should at least be 1400x1400 pixels and not more than 3000x3000 pixels. The image must be square and the file size should not exceed 512kB.
Please note that the platforms will not publish your podcast unless the information above is provided.
2. Before publishing you have the possibility to set and adjust the name (the subdomain) of the podcast. After the publication of the podcast, changing it is still possible, takes quite some time and effort however.
3. You can invite up to 25 editors per podcast via the "Team" tab.
Editors are people who are allowed to edit the podcast.
They can do almost everything the owner of the podcast can, with a few exceptions like inviting other editors or deleting the podcast.
As an editor, you can only edit the podcast that you have been invited to.
Just press the green button "Invite an editor". A new window will open, please enter the email address of the person you want to invite here. This person will receive an email from us with the invitation to edit the podcast.
4. You may publish your podcast now.
- Simply click on "Publish".
5. If you have a paid plan, the "Exports" tab is unlocked for you. You can submit your already published podcast to the following external platforms:
- Apple Podcasts
- Spotify
- YouTube
- Google Podcasts
- Amazon Music
- Alexa
- RTL+
- Samsung Podcasts
- IHeartRadio
- Pandora
- TuneIn
- ListenNotes
- Overcast
- Pocket Casts
- Podimo
- Deezer
- Podcastaddict
Each provider must be selected individually. Important: you need an active Apple ID and you must click on "Review podcast submission on Apple Podcasts" in order to submit the podcast to Apple.
We wish you a lot of fun and success in the podcasting world.