What does Audio Encoding mean?

Each podcast episode to be published via Podigee must be encoded. This is called audio encoding. It happens automatically when you schedule the publication of the episode (by setting an exact date). 

Detailed description of audio encoding

Encoding means that we edit and process the uploaded audio file before publishing. We apply various processes that prepare your audio for publishing to various platforms and devices. Some of these processes can be performed by external service providers - such as Auphonic - under certain conditions. As an example, the audio is encoded into the appropriate file formats and stored on our server infrastructure under the name identifiable by our system.

Encoding minutes

One encoding minute corresponds to one minute of the uploaded audio file. The length of the audio file is always deducted (removed) from your monthly minute quota.

Depending on your selected package, you have a certain number of encoding minutes available. This quota is renewed every month on the same day. For example, if you booked your plan on April 3, your minute quota will be restocked on the 3rd of each month. Unused minutes expire at the end of the monthly period. Your account will simply be refilled every month with the number of minutes available in your package (240, 600, etc.), regardless of how many were left.
Should the number of minutes not suffice, you can buy additional minutes for 5€ per 60 minutes. These additional minutes do not expire! They are also only used when the regular monthly minutes are all consumed.
Since Q1 2021, the encoding of audio files is exclusively executed via the Podigee infrastructure. This offers various advantages like reliability (SLAs), higher publishing speed as well as enabling more professional features like Dynamic Ad Insertion for Enterprise customers. Furthermore, the internal processing of audio files provides the highest legal security through increased GDPR compliance.
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